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Coulometric analysis / Abresh, Karl
Titre : Coulometric analysis Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Abresh, Karl ; Claassen, Ingeborg Editeur : London : Chapman & Hall Année de publication : 1965 Importance : xi, 275 p. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Technologies, Méthodes, Réactions Tags : CHEMISTRY-Analytical VOLTAMETERS Index. décimale : B-B Résumé : The first part of the hook, some 130 pages in length, deals with Principles, Apparatus, and Instrumentation in a concise but comprehensive way. The approach to principles is essentially practical rather than theoretical, with the emphasis placed on stating the conclusion rather than deriving it in a rigorous fashion. The treatment of experimental apparatus and techniques is a well organized and clearly presented survey of the material needed to undertake experimental work intelligently. Numerous references are included, so that any particular topic can easily be pursued further in the original literature. A second section, of approximately 100 pages, on Analytical Applications, is devoted to summaries of coulometric work reported in the literature through 1959. A list of 513 references and an adequate index complete the book. Cote : B-B091 (SdS) Num_Inv : 86 Coulometric analysis [texte imprimé] / Abresh, Karl ; Claassen, Ingeborg . - London : Chapman & Hall, 1965 . - xi, 275 p.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Technologies, Méthodes, Réactions Tags : CHEMISTRY-Analytical VOLTAMETERS Index. décimale : B-B Résumé : The first part of the hook, some 130 pages in length, deals with Principles, Apparatus, and Instrumentation in a concise but comprehensive way. The approach to principles is essentially practical rather than theoretical, with the emphasis placed on stating the conclusion rather than deriving it in a rigorous fashion. The treatment of experimental apparatus and techniques is a well organized and clearly presented survey of the material needed to undertake experimental work intelligently. Numerous references are included, so that any particular topic can easily be pursued further in the original literature. A second section, of approximately 100 pages, on Analytical Applications, is devoted to summaries of coulometric work reported in the literature through 1959. A list of 513 references and an adequate index complete the book. Cote : B-B091 (SdS) Num_Inv : 86 Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 86 B-B091 Texte imprimé Bibliothèque Livre Disponible