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Applications of dendrimers in drug delivery. Principles and approaches / Somayeh Handali
Titre : Applications of dendrimers in drug delivery. Principles and approaches Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Somayeh Handali, Éditeur scientifique ; Eskandar Moghimipour, Éditeur scientifique Editeur : Saarebruck : Lambert Academic Publishing Année de publication : 2012 Importance : 55 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-659-20667-2 Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : DENDRIMERS DENDRIMERS IN DRUG DELIVERY Index. décimale : EQ -Equipe- Résumé : "Dendrimers are spherical and repetitively branched molecules polymeric molecules. The name of dendrimers comes from two words, Greek word dendron, meaning tree and meros, meaning parts. Dendrimers consist of a core molecule and alternating layers of two monomers. The physical characteristics of dendrimers, including their monodispersity, water solubility, encapsulation ability, and large number of functionalizable peripheral groups, make these macromolecules appropriate candidates for evaluation as drug delivery, diagnostic, gene delivery and chemotherapy. There are several routs of administration, including intravenous and oral. There are two defined methods of dendrimer synthesis, divergent synthesis and convergent synthesis." Cote : LCC/M Num_Inv : 3182 Applications of dendrimers in drug delivery. Principles and approaches [texte imprimé] / Somayeh Handali, Éditeur scientifique ; Eskandar Moghimipour, Éditeur scientifique . - Saarebruck : Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012 . - 55 p.
ISBN : 978-3-659-20667-2
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : DENDRIMERS DENDRIMERS IN DRUG DELIVERY Index. décimale : EQ -Equipe- Résumé : "Dendrimers are spherical and repetitively branched molecules polymeric molecules. The name of dendrimers comes from two words, Greek word dendron, meaning tree and meros, meaning parts. Dendrimers consist of a core molecule and alternating layers of two monomers. The physical characteristics of dendrimers, including their monodispersity, water solubility, encapsulation ability, and large number of functionalizable peripheral groups, make these macromolecules appropriate candidates for evaluation as drug delivery, diagnostic, gene delivery and chemotherapy. There are several routs of administration, including intravenous and oral. There are two defined methods of dendrimer synthesis, divergent synthesis and convergent synthesis." Cote : LCC/M Num_Inv : 3182 Exemplaires(1)
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