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Essentials in nanoscience and nanotechnology / Narendra Kumar
Titre : Essentials in nanoscience and nanotechnology Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Narendra Kumar ; Sunita Kumbhat Editeur : Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons Année de publication : 2016 Importance : xviii, 470 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-119-09611-5 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Matériaux Tags : NANOSCIENCE NANOTECHNOLOGY Index. décimale : B-G Résumé : "This book describes various aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology. It begins with an introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology and includes a historical prospective, nanotechnology working in nature, man -made nanomaterial and impact of nanotechnology illustrated with examples.
It goes on to describes general synthetic approaches and strategies and also deals with the characterization of nanomaterial using modern tools and techniques to give basic understanding to those interested in learning this emerging area.
It then deals with different kinds of nanomaterial such as inorganics, carbon based-, nanocomposites and self-assembled/supramolecular nano structures in terms of their varieties, synthesis, properties etc. In addition, it contains chapters devoted to unique properties with mathematical treatment wherever applicable and the novel applications dealing with information technology, pollution control (environment, water), energy, nanomedicine, healthcare, consumer goods etc."Cote : B-G045 (SdS) Num_Inv : 3459 Essentials in nanoscience and nanotechnology [texte imprimé] / Narendra Kumar ; Sunita Kumbhat . - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2016 . - xviii, 470 p.
ISBN : 978-1-119-09611-5
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Matériaux Tags : NANOSCIENCE NANOTECHNOLOGY Index. décimale : B-G Résumé : "This book describes various aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology. It begins with an introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology and includes a historical prospective, nanotechnology working in nature, man -made nanomaterial and impact of nanotechnology illustrated with examples.
It goes on to describes general synthetic approaches and strategies and also deals with the characterization of nanomaterial using modern tools and techniques to give basic understanding to those interested in learning this emerging area.
It then deals with different kinds of nanomaterial such as inorganics, carbon based-, nanocomposites and self-assembled/supramolecular nano structures in terms of their varieties, synthesis, properties etc. In addition, it contains chapters devoted to unique properties with mathematical treatment wherever applicable and the novel applications dealing with information technology, pollution control (environment, water), energy, nanomedicine, healthcare, consumer goods etc."Cote : B-G045 (SdS) Num_Inv : 3459 Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 3459 B-G045 Texte imprimé Bibliothèque Livre Disponible Surface science: Foundations of catalysis and nanoscience / Kurt W. Kolasinski
Titre : Surface science: Foundations of catalysis and nanoscience Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Kurt W. Kolasinski Mention d'édition : Second edition Editeur : Hoboken : Wiley Année de publication : 2008 Importance : xi, 486 p. Format : 25 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-470-99781-9 Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : SURFACE CHEMISTRY CATALYSIS NANOSCIENCE Index. décimale : EQ -Equipe- Résumé : "Surface chemistry is an essential and developing area of physical chemistry and one that has become increasingly interdisciplinary. The Second Edition of Surface Science: Foundations of Catalysis and Nanoscience has been fully revised and updated to reflect all the latest developments in the field and now includes an extensive discussion about nanoparticle growth and the quantum confinement effects in nanoscale systems. Two new chapters have been added and discuss The Liquid/Solid Interface and Non-Thermal Reactions, and Photon and Electron Stimulated Chemistry and Atom Manipulation. There are now many more worked examples included throughout to help students develop their problem-solving skills." Cote : LCC/L Num_Inv : 2856 Surface science: Foundations of catalysis and nanoscience [texte imprimé] / Kurt W. Kolasinski . - Second edition . - Hoboken : Wiley, 2008 . - xi, 486 p. ; 25 cm.
ISBN : 978-0-470-99781-9
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : SURFACE CHEMISTRY CATALYSIS NANOSCIENCE Index. décimale : EQ -Equipe- Résumé : "Surface chemistry is an essential and developing area of physical chemistry and one that has become increasingly interdisciplinary. The Second Edition of Surface Science: Foundations of Catalysis and Nanoscience has been fully revised and updated to reflect all the latest developments in the field and now includes an extensive discussion about nanoparticle growth and the quantum confinement effects in nanoscale systems. Two new chapters have been added and discuss The Liquid/Solid Interface and Non-Thermal Reactions, and Photon and Electron Stimulated Chemistry and Atom Manipulation. There are now many more worked examples included throughout to help students develop their problem-solving skills." Cote : LCC/L Num_Inv : 2856 Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 2856 LCC/L Texte imprimé Equipe Livre Equipe - Demande préalable
DisponibleNanochemistry / Gleb Borisovich Sergeev
Titre : Nanochemistry Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Gleb Borisovich Sergeev Editeur : Amsterdam : Elsevier Année de publication : 2006 Importance : xii, 249 p. Format : 25 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-444-51956-6 Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : NANOSCIENCE NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS Index. décimale : EQ -Equipe- Résumé : "This book is devoted to nanochemistry: a branch of the actively developing interdisciplinary field of nanoscience. This branch of science studies the processes to production and reactions of nanoparticles and their compounds. It has been shown that such particles are of high activity and can undergo new and unusual chemical transformations. These transformations play an active role in our daily lives to provide reagents for self-cleaning glass surfaces and fabrics, different antiseptic coverings, sensors for monitoring the environment and catalysts preventing pollution. Nanochemistry covers the main studies of these reactions and reviews the work of leading scientists from different countries around the world. This book is the first monograph on nanochemistry, combining the elements of review and text book which allows for information on current and prospective directions in nanochemistry." Cote : LCC/M Num_Inv : 2771 Nanochemistry [texte imprimé] / Gleb Borisovich Sergeev . - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2006 . - xii, 249 p. ; 25 cm.
ISBN : 978-0-444-51956-6
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : NANOSCIENCE NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS Index. décimale : EQ -Equipe- Résumé : "This book is devoted to nanochemistry: a branch of the actively developing interdisciplinary field of nanoscience. This branch of science studies the processes to production and reactions of nanoparticles and their compounds. It has been shown that such particles are of high activity and can undergo new and unusual chemical transformations. These transformations play an active role in our daily lives to provide reagents for self-cleaning glass surfaces and fabrics, different antiseptic coverings, sensors for monitoring the environment and catalysts preventing pollution. Nanochemistry covers the main studies of these reactions and reviews the work of leading scientists from different countries around the world. This book is the first monograph on nanochemistry, combining the elements of review and text book which allows for information on current and prospective directions in nanochemistry." Cote : LCC/M Num_Inv : 2771 Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 2771 LCC/M Texte imprimé Equipe Livre Equipe - Demande préalable
DisponibleNanochemistry: A chemical approach to nanomaterials / Geoffrey A. Ozin
Titre : Nanochemistry: A chemical approach to nanomaterials Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Geoffrey A. Ozin ; André Arsenault ; Ludovico Cademartiri Editeur : Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry Année de publication : 2009 Importance : 820 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-84755-895-4 Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : NANOSCIENCE NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS Index. décimale : EQ -Equipe- Résumé : "International interest in nanoscience research has flourished in recent years, as it becomes an integral part in the development of future technologies. The diverse, interdisciplinary nature of nanoscience means effective communication between disciplines is pivotal in the successful utilization of the science. Nanochemistry: A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials is the first textbook for teaching nanochemistry and adopts an interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach to the subject. It presents a basic chemical strategy for making nanomaterials and describes some of the principles of materials self-assembly over 'all' scales. It demonstrates how nanometre and micrometre scale building blocks (with a wide range of shapes, compositions and surface functionalities) can be coerced through chemistry to organize spontaneously into unprecedented structures, which can serve as tailored functional materials. Suggestions of new ways to tackle research problems and speculations on how to think about assembling the future of nanotechnology are given. Primarily designed for teaching, this book will appeal to graduate and advanced undergraduate students. It is well illustrated with graphical representations of the structure and form of nanomaterials and contains problem sets as well as other pedagogical features such as further reading, case studies and a comprehensive bibliography." Cote : LCC/L Num_Inv : 2965 Nanochemistry: A chemical approach to nanomaterials [texte imprimé] / Geoffrey A. Ozin ; André Arsenault ; Ludovico Cademartiri . - Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2009 . - 820 p.
ISBN : 978-1-84755-895-4
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : NANOSCIENCE NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS Index. décimale : EQ -Equipe- Résumé : "International interest in nanoscience research has flourished in recent years, as it becomes an integral part in the development of future technologies. The diverse, interdisciplinary nature of nanoscience means effective communication between disciplines is pivotal in the successful utilization of the science. Nanochemistry: A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials is the first textbook for teaching nanochemistry and adopts an interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach to the subject. It presents a basic chemical strategy for making nanomaterials and describes some of the principles of materials self-assembly over 'all' scales. It demonstrates how nanometre and micrometre scale building blocks (with a wide range of shapes, compositions and surface functionalities) can be coerced through chemistry to organize spontaneously into unprecedented structures, which can serve as tailored functional materials. Suggestions of new ways to tackle research problems and speculations on how to think about assembling the future of nanotechnology are given. Primarily designed for teaching, this book will appeal to graduate and advanced undergraduate students. It is well illustrated with graphical representations of the structure and form of nanomaterials and contains problem sets as well as other pedagogical features such as further reading, case studies and a comprehensive bibliography." Cote : LCC/L Num_Inv : 2965 Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 2965 LCC/L Texte imprimé Equipe Livre Equipe - Demande préalable
DisponibleNanochemistry: A chemical approach to nanomaterials / Geoffrey A. Ozin
Titre : Nanochemistry: A chemical approach to nanomaterials Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Geoffrey A. Ozin ; André Arsenault Editeur : Cambridge : RSC Publishing Année de publication : 2005 Importance : xl, 628 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-85404-664-5 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Matériaux Tags : NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS NANOSCIENCE Index. décimale : B-G Résumé : "Nanochemistry: A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials is the first textbook for teaching nanochemistry and adopts an interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach to the subject. It presents a basic chemical strategy for making nanomaterials and describes some of the principles of materials self-assembly over 'all' scales. It demonstrates how nanometre and micrometre scale building blocks (with a wide range of shapes, compositions and surface functionalities) can be coerced through chemistry to organize spontaneously into unprecedented structures, which can serve as tailored functional materials. Suggestions of new ways to tackle research problems and speculations on how to think about assembling the future of nanotechnology are given.
Primarily designed for teaching, this book will appeal to graduate and advanced undergraduate students. It is well illustrated with graphical representations of the structure and form of nanomaterials and contains problem sets as well as other pedagogical features such as further reading, case studies and a comprehensive bibliography."Cote : B-G021 (SdS) Num_Inv : 2797 Nanochemistry: A chemical approach to nanomaterials [texte imprimé] / Geoffrey A. Ozin ; André Arsenault . - Cambridge : RSC Publishing, 2005 . - xl, 628 p.
ISBN : 978-0-85404-664-5
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Matériaux Tags : NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS NANOSCIENCE Index. décimale : B-G Résumé : "Nanochemistry: A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials is the first textbook for teaching nanochemistry and adopts an interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach to the subject. It presents a basic chemical strategy for making nanomaterials and describes some of the principles of materials self-assembly over 'all' scales. It demonstrates how nanometre and micrometre scale building blocks (with a wide range of shapes, compositions and surface functionalities) can be coerced through chemistry to organize spontaneously into unprecedented structures, which can serve as tailored functional materials. Suggestions of new ways to tackle research problems and speculations on how to think about assembling the future of nanotechnology are given.
Primarily designed for teaching, this book will appeal to graduate and advanced undergraduate students. It is well illustrated with graphical representations of the structure and form of nanomaterials and contains problem sets as well as other pedagogical features such as further reading, case studies and a comprehensive bibliography."Cote : B-G021 (SdS) Num_Inv : 2797 Exemplaires(2)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 2797 B-G021 Texte imprimé Bibliothèque Livre Disponible 2772 LCC/M Texte imprimé Equipe Livre Equipe - Demande préalable
DisponibleNanoparticle assemblies and superstructures / Nicholas Kotov
PermalinkLes nanosciences, Volume 1 : Nanotechnologies et nanophysique / Marcel Lahmani
PermalinkLes nanosciences, Volume 2 : Nanomatériaux et nanochimie / Marcel Lahmani
PermalinkLes nanosciences, Volume 3 : Nanobiotechnologies et nanobiologie / Marcel Lahmani
PermalinkLes nanosciences, Volume 4 : Nanotoxicologie et nanoéthique / Marcel Lahmani